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Blog Science And Technology

Samsung Stops The Sale Of Galaxy Note7 Smart Phone

Samsung has suspended the sale of Galaxy 7 smartphone as it catches fire when it is in charge. 35 cases were reported that the newly launched device exploded while being charged. Samsung has asked their customers to return the device and replace it with other model Samsung phones.

Koh-Dong-Jin President of Samsung mobile business said that they had received reports of battery explosions two weeks after the launch of Galaxy 7 smartphone. He reported it has a battery cell problem and it was very difficult to find it out. He refused to reveal the name of the battery supplier.

He also said that the note7 model sold in China used batteries made up by a different provider and there were no defects in those devices. Samsung is in the process of conducting an inspection on their batteries supplied by different suppliers. The company is working hard to sort out what went wrong. But Samsung gives more importance to the safety of their customers, so they have stopped the sale of Galaxy Note7.

Samsung has assured a replacement in the coming week for their customers who own a Galaxy Note7. Samsung tries to rectify their fault by launch delay and product swap.